University of Bristol
Course Director: Professor Anthony Croxford
Ultrasonic methods are among the most important tools for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of engineering components and structures. The material in this unit covers the underlying science of ultrasonic and acoustic wave propagation in elastic media, and the application of this science to NDT. The mathematical equations that govern the propagation of ultrasonic waves are introduced and used as a foundation to develop the techniques used in modelling ultrasonic wave propagation in practical situations. Signal processing techniques for analysing ultrasonic data to elicit structural information (e.g. thickness, speed of sound, attenuation) are also covered in the course. Assessment is via two pieces of coursework covering experimental data analysis and inspection system design. The course is taught through a combination of weekly illustrated lectures and computing classes to support the coursework.
CW1. Analysis of experimental ultrasonic data indicating how, e.g., thickness, velocity and attenuation may be deduced in the time and frequency domains – report required
CW2. Design and modelling of an ultrasonic array to satisfy a given inspection specification – report required